Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Welcome! I want to thank you for stopping by! Here are five fun facts about me and my background in teaching:

  1. SIX YEARS: 2012-2013 starts my sixth year in teaching. I graduated from Ohio University in 2007, and Marshall University in 2011. I've been fortunate enough to spend all of my career in the same lovely little school :)
  2. CAFE: This is my second year implementing CAFE and The Daily Five. Things progressed slowly last year, but I feel that it always goes that way the first time around. We only have 90 minutes for ELA, so I can't implement it quite the way it's intended, but it works! I really like CAFE for the framework that it provides for me, a teacher without a textbook. Don't get me wrong - I'm incredibly thankful that we don't have a textbook, but it made my first few years of teaching very unorganized. I was clueless! (aren't we all???)
  3. TECHNOPHILE: My classroom is thankfully equipped with a Smart Board. I've had several years to love on and become friends with it. I can't get enough of tech stuff, whether it's reading blogs or going to trainings for tech that we don't own yet; I love it. My principal bought an ELMO doc camera... I can't wait to get my hands on it
  4. APPLE: I'll admit it, I'm a huge fanboy... er, fangirl? My iPad is my favorite, my iPhone is the best boyfriend. Hehehe. The blogging app for the iPhone means that you'll all get to see some great photos!
  5. FITNESS: Okay, this last one has nothing to do with education, except for the fact that my addiction to fitness has saved me from some very stressful days. At the start of last school year, I set out to lose some weight & add some awesome, and was able to do that... 39 lbs later! I may post the occasional smart (smart=healthy) food find or workout routine. 
Thanks again for stopping by! Check in again for more posts!

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