Saturday, November 23, 2013

Genius Hour

I finally felt that one of my classes were ready to start talking about Genius Hour. I made a Prezi with a few inspirational quotes and ideas to get my fifth graders thinking. Then we watched a video about Caine's Arcade, followed up by a TED Talk by young Caine himself. 

I asked my class to write something that they are passionate about or would want to spend the next quarter discussing. The responses that they wrote on our "Wonder Wall" were, in a word, astounding. 

Here are few for your enjoyment :) 

Two boys want to work on a Genius Hour project to "kill cancer." When asked about why, they shared that it was because of their 2nd grade teacher, who just last year, finished up her second bout with cancer. I love their passion and I can't wait to see what happens with these amazing kids.